New Website for us

the blog here is sadly being replaced by my new website. I will eventually shut this blog down but for now will keep it going if you need to get the new web address!

Gracie and Lucy music video

Since it has been so long since I posted new pics I thought I would put on this video I made of the girls this week!

My sous- chef!

Lucy helps Mommy figure out what to make for dinner. Her suggestions... relish and Bitters!My funny Lucy story of the day... Lucy loves the Dustbuster. I put her in Gracie's room and go into the kitchen and turn on the dust buster and you will never see a baby crawl so fast as she does to attack the Dustbuster, it is hilarious! On a unfunny note, yesterday I was putting a bag of garbage out the back door and my foot got caught under the screen door and it tore off a huge chunk of skin on the back of my ankle right on my Achilles tendon, it bled for hours and today is swollen like an egg, super painful and now I have a big red spot on the carpet to match the spilled amoxycillin from last week. It looks like a Jackson Pollock painting in here!

Our weekend

This weekend went by really fast, sat spent running errands which including shopping at the Organic Trader Joe's, we love that place, Whole Foods on Xanax! Sunday was freezing cold and started out gorgeous and sunny but as you will see form the pics became typical Sunday in Seattle gloomy and cold. We went to Carkeek Park for fresh air, amazing to have this beautiful park at the food of our drive way practically! Then off to REI so Paul could return his slippers and the girls could play at the indoor playground, always good for an hour of fun!

the Family at carkeek park

Carkeek Park Freezing cold sunday afternoon

Carkeek park - freezing cold