Like mother like daughter

Lucy, like her mother and big sister has discovered the joys of reading in bed! What a cutey! Is there anything better then reading a good book in bed? not to Lucy!

Monkey see Money do!

Lucy adores Gracie and loves it when Gracie plays with her. Gracie can make Lucy smile better then anyone! We are getting Lucy used to her high chair and although she barley peeps over the edge she does last about ten minutes in there before wanting out!

just a few more pics...

You may notice a lovely little friend with Lucy in these pics, a present courtesy of Aunt Christine and uncle Patrick, Lucy new best friend is her Jemima Puddle duck. She is perfect for gnawing on when teething pains occur!

The State Fair

Just like Wilbur and Charlotte, we packed Gracie and Lucy off to the Evergreen State Fair yesterday. Thanks to the tickets we won with entering Gracie in a photo contest we were able to get in for free. We made up for the free entry by spending tons of money on Greasy fair food, hot dogs, fries, corn on the cob and yummy strawberry shortcake and popcorn. Of course we ignored the weather report of impending rain and managed to get in about two hours at the Fair before the skies opened and it started pouring rain!We watched huge Clydesdale horses, a lumberjack contest, went to John Deere museum with lots of cool old tractors and household gadgets from the twenties. rain, rain, soaking wet family. Ugh... then we drove home and went to our friends John and Karlie's for dinner. Gracie was fearless at the fair and went on the huge Ferris Wheel with Paul and other rides!

an old friend's birthday

Is Gracie old enough to have an old friend? Well on Saturday she went to the birthday party of her friend Parker from her old school in Lynnwood. It was a beautiful sunny day and I drove up to Everett with Lucy and Gracie as Paul had a baseball game (they lost) and we were there for about 3.5 hours. Gracie loved seeing some of her old friends and it was like no time had passed at all. Gracie put on her bathing suit and played in the water park, had yummy cupcakes and of course played in the playground! Lucy as usual was a draw for Moms and was held by many different moms over the course of the party. Friday night I had taken Lucy to mt Friend Karlie's baby shower and as usual everyone was wondering why I complain about Lucy being fussy. She was an angel and loved being held by the grandmothers at the party!

Cover Girls

well it looks like both Gracie and Lucy made the magazine! Lucy was the cover shot and Gracie's is on the Contents page!

My Girls

Ferries and Baseball

This weekend was a busy one for us. We woke up on Saturday and after having a slow morning felt it would be good to get Gracie out of the house for awhile so we decided to take the ferry to Bainbridge Island for lunch. It was a fiasco from the start, Gracie refused to wear anything but her pink skating dress despite the cool weather, the waterfront was packed with tourists getting on cruise ships etc and it took forever to inch our way along, finding parking was an nightmare and we considered just going back home but eventually just parked in Pioneer square and walked to the ferry which we missed by 30 seconds, then had to wait an hour for the next one. The restaurant I was so excited to go, Cafe Nola to turned out to be closed, ahhh! Then we went to another one which it took so long for a waiter to appear that we just got up and left, not to mention the fact that they didn't have crayons for Gracie, shame! We ended up eating at a nasty Mexican restaurant and Lucy threw a screaming fit in the middle of it. Then the skies opened up and we were caught in fierce rain storm walking back to the ferry. Gracie loved standing out in the rain on the ferry deck. Sunday was a baseball game for Paul and we all went, it was fun but Lucy became very upset and screamed the entire last hour. Lucy has been suffering from bad acid reflux and today I am taking her to new pediatrician for a second opinion. Gracie went off to school this morning and hopefully she won't pretend she is sick so she can come home like she did last week!

more taylor trip pics

Sorry these are all out of order :)

more Pics

Taylor Trip

Oh so much fun was had by us all. For the first time in 2 months it decided to be a cold wet week for the most part but I think this was a welcome relief for the Dentonites! Paul took them everywhere! Sunday was a ride on the famous DUCK tour and then traipsing around Pike Market etc, Monday was a drive around neighborhoods, and Paul's baseball game at night, Tuesday was a cold wet day but they soldiered on and drove all the way out to Second Beach on the coast! Wednesday we had lunch at Paul's fav Oaxaca restaurant, quick walk around Ballard, then Paul dropped me and Lucy and they went down to the waterfront and Pier 99. Thursday was their trip to Mt Rainier, paradise lodge and a railway ride through the forest, Friday we went to REI, out to the F-Spot for bfast and to our nearby Carkeek park beach, then home for dinner with Tom, Holly and Leigh and Marlene. A week that was fun and went way to quickly! Gracie loved having Morgan and Mollie here and Lucy was very taken with Aunt Stephanie and Morgan who were experts on taking care of babies!