
A very cold and frosty morn greeted us this today so G had to bundle up for school. Not sure how this will affect the costume this evening but we will figure it out! I know those of you in Tana and Blue Rocks (yes, I said Blue Rocks) are jealous of our wintery weather!

Pumpkin carving

I spent hours scooping out pumpkins so we could have pumpkin carving night which was a little bit of a bust becuase P had to go back to work so it will be continued tonite after a pc "pumpkin harvest" party at her school this afternoon. Then the epic saga of Halloween which has been built to epic proportions shall finally endafter a night of frozen trick or treating. In strange Seattle style, it dosen't seem to rain on this hallowed eve but is incredibly freezing which is good since it limits the nights outdoor prowling activities. Pics of that event will be posted tommorow!

kitchen skating

Yesterday Gracie brought figure skating to a new level when she discovered skating on the kitchen floor in tights and wings! Check out her new moves.

Pumpkin Prowl

We went on a spooky haunted Halloween pumpkin prowl at the Zoo which was fun! Hundreds of carved jack-o-lanterns along a path. The kids dressed up in thier costumes and had fun in the haunted house and trick or treating Seattle style - organic rice cakes and pamphlets on how to have a Green Halloween!

Gym class

Saturday mornings are Gracie's gym class. She is fearless and loves jumping, she is constantly jumping. I can't pass up a chance to see her in this little leotard!

Sun-shiny day

Hi there, Well a simply gorgeous day here and we started off with a little computer time. It seems Gracie may have inherited her father's aptitude for computers as she loves to play her Dr Zeuss game complete with using the mouse and keyboard.

Rain and Halloween decorations

Here is proof of the awful rain we are having as if you needed any! And a pic of Halloween decorations that adorn our spooky haunted house!

Rainy days In Seattle

Well here is a rip off from matthew and Deanna but I thought it was a great idea to keep us all in touch since we are so spread out around the world! Another rainy soggy day in Seattle. Gracie is at school and Paul is at work. I have done my daily pass through in the job markets and found nothing for me. Utterly depressing! But on the brighter side here is a pic of Gracie!