Christmas day Mayhem

Ah - the joy of discovering Santa made it! Christmas morning I woke up when Lulu woke, she had her Christmas bottle then I was in the kitchen when I heard the telltale squeak of Gracie's door cracking open.I hid so I could watch her and I followed her into the living room where she stood for a minute taking it all in and then jabbed her arms in the air silently and did a little dance! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen! Then Gracie and Lucy opened their stockings and then presents! Thank you to all of you for your lovely and wonderful and oh so appropriate gifts! We all had a lovely time opening and playing with terrific gifts! Lucy - of course - although surrounded by a bevy of new toys found the wrapping paper from Madagascar the most fun of all until we discovered the gold ink was staining her face and she was choking on the ribbons. We had to take it away despite her high pitched protests. Then we went and had a fabulous and delicious roast beef at Rob and Carole's and the kids had a great time playing until 8:30 hit and they had the traditional Christmas overload melt downs! Tonight we are going to dinner at John and Karlie's and we will probably order pizza or Thai as we are all cooked out from the festivities! Santa brought Paul new snowboarding boots so he is going tomorrow to try them out with some friends and Gracie will have a play date with her new best friend Rose. I will keep Lucy home and try to get her caught up on some much needed sleep! Happy Holidays to all and so many thank yous for all the lovely presents and packaging and so thoughtful presents! We are indeed so lucky to have such generous family and friends who were so thoughtful and fun with their presents!